Loving Home

Loving Home Seminar Series

In line with the Group's pledge in building homes with heart, the 230,000-strong SHKP Club has staged its latest Loving Home Seminar Series between April and May 2006, as one of the major initiatives launched for its 10th year and a response to members' aspiration for family harmony.

Three noted speakers shared their insight on domestic harmony, including media professional Cho Chi-ming, veteran children's radio presenter Tang Oi-lam and Chinese University of Hong Kong Social Work Department Professor Lam Mong-chow.

Loving Home tips from noted speakers
Mr Cho Chi-ming 'Balancing work and family'

"Market economy has proved to be a preferred option over planned economy. Are you sure you could let your children free to do what they want and explore their own potentials for a happier childhood, instead of dictating over their lives and only satisfying their materialistic needs?"

Ms Tang Oi-lam 'Developing children's potential'

Parents are the mentors and coaches of children, not their owners

Prof Lam Mong-chow 'Happy parents, happy children'

Before you can appreciate your children, you need to be able to appreciate yourself.

A poll shows that attendants found the seminars very useful, with 95% saying they have had better ideas as to balance between work and family and how they can better understand children and help children build confidence. Some members also attended the sharing session after the seminars, sharing their first hand experience of parenting and family harmony. The SHKP Club wishes to thank members for their support and pledges it will organize even more diversified activities and seminars for them.