Loving Home Newsletter

SHKP helping disadvantaged youth for 15 years

SHKP and Breakthrough announced their 15th Modern Apprenticeship Programme for 2017, offering young people on-the-job training. SHKP Executive Director Adam Kwok and Breakthrough General Secretary Joyce Man welcomed the 26 candidates who will start a series of life planning and personal development courses leading to ten-week internships at SHKP under the guidance of staff mentors as they tackle different workplace challenges.

Mentors there to support

Since 2003, Modern Apprenticeships have given work experience and training in social skills and personal development to students who underperformed in public exams so they can find better futures. It was designed primarily for new Diploma of Secondary Education graduates, Yi Jin diploma or Youth Employment and Training Programme students, or those from 16 to 24 without tertiary or university education. Participants do their internships in construction, property management, hotels or Noah's Ark Hong Kong, with SHKP staff mentors guiding them on work, life skills and the value of teamwork as they explore their aptitudes and career paths. Participants with good assessment results may find future employment with SHKP. The programme has helped about 300 marginal graduates with uncertain futures find their way over the years.