Loving Home Newsletter

SHKP Volunteer Team's ten years of caring for the community

The SHKP Volunteer Team has been in existence for ten years and now has over 2,200 members. The Team put in over 120,000 service hours in 2012, a 50% increase from 2011. SHKP Chairman and Managing Director, and also Team Chairman, Raymond Kwok presented awards to the volunteers for outstanding effort with Director of Social Welfare Carol Yip in a recent team recognition day.

Annual recognition for volunteers

Mr Kwok praised the volunteers for their enthusiasm and contribution, and he encouraged them to give back to society. A total of 354 volunteers won gold, silver or bronze awards and 34 volunteer families of SHKP employees were commended, and for the tenth anniversary there were Long-time Participation awards and Highest Total Hours of Service in Ten Years awards for long-term members.

Diverse service

There are five Volunteer Team squads. The Build Homes with Hearts Sub-team does home renovation and repair, the Elderly Sub-team takes care of seniors, the Youth Sub-team works with adolescents and children, the Disabled Sub-team helps people with disabilities and the Sunshine Sub-team consists of children of Group staff and young people that Team has helped in the past and who want to volunteer. The Team has been involves in over 600 short-term or long-term volunteering events.

  • The SHKP Building Homes with Heart Caring Initiative shares festive joy with the less fortunate and elderly by delivering lucky bags and festive food. Over 50,000 have benefitted in the past three years.
  • The Team has helped over a thousand elderly households affected by urban renewal to move, with visits before and after the moves, helping inspect, choose and decoration to reduce seniors' anxiety and help them get settled.
  • The SHKP Child Mentoring and Sun Tin Mentorship programmes and activities encourage children to explore their strengths and to help them set goals in life, building self-awareness and enhance ability.
  • The Building Homes with Heart Elderly Scheme benefits seniors' quality of life with regular home visits, greetings and day trips and more.
  • A maintenance programme had volunteers using their professional skills to improve the living environment for recovering mental patients and teaching basic home maintenance and repair to enhance self confidence and independence.
SHKP volunteers visit the elderly for Mid-autumn Festival
Seniors smile with their SHKP moon cakes
SHKP volunteer doing basic decoration for the needy
Sunshine Sub-team members help children at the book fair make purchases
Participants in the Building Homes with Heart Elderly scheme help seniors to write their memoirs
Volunteers teach basic home maintenance and repair to recovering mental patients