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SHKP Reading Club bloggers share unique perspectives to reading

Reading is part of many aspects of everyday life, whether one does it as a habit or just for school or work assignments. The SHKP Reading Club recently added a column to its facebook page with contributions from a variety of characters like the workplace hipster, travel junkie and mummy writer offering their unique perspectives for your reading pleasure.

Blogs that resonate

Lucia Shum won the first Young Writers' Debut Competition and followed up her 20 Luard Road winner with three more picture books. She writes about life as an author and full-time mum of two daughters, providing tips on encouraging kids to read for pleasure. In Reading Begins with Fun she explains that for children, the attraction of reading with parents is more the togetherness than the story, so the key to getting children to read is to have fun with them.

Another blogger, young Tao Kai, travels full-time and has been to more than 20 countries. He recently returned to Hong Kong after three years of travelling in Europe. He said that his desire to travel the world was sparked by Into the Wild by American Jon Krakauer. Tao was in a bustling market during a trip to Hangzhou when he wondered if the prosperity during the southern Song dynasty matched the current day, so he picked up La Vie Quotidienne en Chine à la veille de L'invasion Mongole when he got home to find out.

Click here to go to the Reading Club blog and "like" the articles you enjoy as reading enriches your life.