Loving Home Newsletter

SHKP Club's "Loving Home Learning Together" campaign encourages growth with our families with love

SHKP Club is taking "Loving Home Learning Together" as the annual theme of its activities in 2022. The Club will roll out a series of online and offline member activities to encourage everyone to learn more new things and acquire new knowledge together with their families, inspire each other and exchange ideas, explore more discussion topics in daily life and promote mutual communication. This motivates all family members to move forward hand-in-hand on the life journey at the same pace, bringing more happiness to the family.

Inspiring Family Coaches growing and making progress together

SHKP Club will first launch the "My Inspiring Family Coaches" Competition, inviting members and the public to share how they learn from and appreciate their families, cultivate a positive attitude of exploration, promote the mutual growth of the family, enhance relationships and create a more fulfilling family life. The competition comprises a Member Category and an Open Category (Junior, Intermediate, Senior). There are no restrictions on participants' age or entry format. We welcome text, pictures, drawings, multimedia videos, etc. The competition offers a rich assortment of prizes that are worth more than HK$200,000 in total for over 350 prize winners. We look forward to your participation!

Loving Home stories inspire learning and exploration

Every family has a heartfelt story where the family members have learned something from each other and explored new knowledge and skills together. We hope the below stories can let you discover more secrets about Learning Together and embodying the spirit of Loving Home.

Livestreaming Tai Chi with my Grandfather
My Inspiring Family Coach: Grandfather
Learning Together secret: Teach and appreciate one another

My Grandfather was unable to practise Tai Chi with the people in the neighbourhood because of the pandemic. I came up with the idea of teaching him to use his smartphone for livestreaming, which enabled his neighbours to practise Tai Chi with him in real time. I showed my Grandfather the ways to open an account and send a hyperlink to invite the neighbourhood. He carefully noted down each step as we went through it. After the first successful live broadcast, my Grandfather was so happy, and he taught me how to do some Tai Chi moves. It was hard for me to learn them, but he was as steady as a rock and encouraged me by saying: "My dear grandson, you do not have enough stamina in your muscles. You should train more with me!" With my Grandfather's careful instructions, my flexibility and strength have gradually improved. I even join him in hosting the Tai Chi livestream from time to time. My Grandfather often praises me for my technical support, but in fact, he is my Tai Chi master!

Loving Home freestyle swimming
My Inspiring Family Coach: Mother
Learning Together secret: Learn from each other regardless of age

My mother suffers from degenerative joints in her legs. The doctor advised her to start swimming to strengthen her muscles, but she did not know how to swim, and I have always been afraid of water since childhood. In order to improve my mother's health and give her more support, I decided to take the plunge and go with her to learn to swim. During the first lesson, we were both very nervous. We had to cheer each other on and stay focused, and work hard together to learn the skills. After repeated practice, we were gradually able to keep pace with the instructor. We discussed the techniques together and asked the instructor how we could improve our swimming style, trying our best to progress. Now that we have mastered freestyle, my mother says the next goal is to learn the butterfly stroke! The weekly swimming classes not only gave my mother and I more communication opportunities, but they also enriched our family life.

Bubble wrap mystery
My Inspiring Family Coaches: Husband and son
Learning Together secret: Explore new things and grow together

"Mom, what kind of plastic is bubble wrap?" When my son asked this question while doing his homework on waste separation, my husband and I were baffled. We decided to go to the regional recycling station to find the answer together. My husband and son soon found the "No. 4 Plastic LDPE (Low Density Polyethylene)" container for recycling bubble wrap. My son was curious about other facilities on the site, so we looked around the recycling station and read the environmental protection information to discuss waste reduction. After returning home, my son completed his homework by himself and took the initiative to look up more information about plastic recycling online. My husband and I were pleased that he was incorporating the spirit of learning new knowledge into his life. We will continue to practise and explore new things with our son as we grow with him.

The proactive "Animal Doctor"
My Inspiring Family Coach: Elder sister
Learning Together secret: Active learning for bettering ourselves and others

"When bringing an adopted cat home, cover its cage with a piece of cloth, as the feeling of being closed in can make it feel safer," explained my elder sister to the adoption family. She is an enthusiastic animal welfare volunteer with a wealth of pet knowledge. We call her the "Animal Doctor", and she is constantly learning about how to care for cats and dogs, and has recently taken a pet first aid course. She always says, "Learning never ends," and that we have to make ourselves learn more every day. My sister's enthusiasm for knowledge has rubbed off on everyone in the family: Dad began to watch more cooking videos to improve his cooking skills; Mom often searches the Internet for tips on making the potted plants at home more vibrant; I signed up as an animal welfare volunteer to take care of abandoned pets with my sister. My sister has taught us that having an active learning attitude can change the people and the things around us for the better.

Note: For details of the "My Inspiring Family Coaches" Competition, please keep an eye out for announcements at the SHKP Club website on 21st January 2022