Loving Home Newsletter

Capture the Noteworthy Moments in Tung Chung

Love can be found everywhere if you look close enough. The SHKP Club is holding a series of activities themed as Capture the Noteworthy Moments in Tung Chung, featuring a photo competition, a hiking event and a sharing session. Members are invited to explore the charm of the new town and signs of love in everyday life.

Seize the footprints of life

The SHKP Club's Capture the Noteworthy Moments in Tung Chung photo competition invites entries to depict the diversity of Tung Chung through its ecological vitality, history behind heritage sites, vibrant community or urban lifestyle. In the course of taking photos, participants will realize how to better observe and appreciate their surroundings and make it a vehicle to foster joy and pleasure in family life. Act now and share your photos together with your words to family members. Don't miss the chance of spreading your loving home message!

Embrace the nature, open your heart and stay cheerful

Basking in the peace of nature yields comfort and serenity. The Club will arrange a half-day hiking trip to Tung Chung for Star members and their families to visit famous historical heritage and appreciate Tung Chung's ecology. In addition, participants can further take part in the sharing session held on a later date. Health care personnel from the Mental Health Photographic Society will explain how photography can be an outlet for stress. As family members share thoughts and ideas brought about by photo-taking, both communication and harmony will be fostered. More event details to follow soon, so stay in touch!

Tung Chung boasts beautiful scenery
Insects in the bush
Old green brick houses are attractive for urbanites