Loving Home Newsletter

SHKP injects positive vibes into workplace

As we step into summer, a season when many students bid farewell to their schools, SHKP continues to support the Modern Apprenticeship Programme this year, to help students who are concluding their education fit into work environment and define their career paths. The Group also continued to provide its staff a wide array of training programmes through its SHKP Quality Academy, supporting them with opportunities for continuous learning and self-improvement.

Supporting the young generation

The 2013-14 Modern Apprenticeship Programme, co-organized by SHKP and Breakthrough, was officially launched in May. It raised the curtain for the eight-week on-the-job training at SHKP for the 21 apprentices, with veteran staff as mentors. SHKP Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer Patrick K W Chan said that the Group always places great emphasis on youth training and development, and has helped 163 young people identify life goals through the Modern Apprenticeship Programme since 2003. The Group is committed to continuing its support in youth development.

Recognition for staff training

SHKP and its subsidiary Hong Yip Service Company Limited have won the "Manpower Developer 1st" designations from the Employees Retraining Board for five consecutive years. Hong Yip was also a four-time recipient of the Grand Prize Award in the past five years. SHKP believes in advocating lifelong learning to its employees, and set up the SHKP Quality Academy last year, inviting professionals from diverse fields to keep staff up to date with the latest knowledge and industry trends for wider horizon and higher efficiency. The Academy goes a long way in advancing SHKP philosophy of "Quality, Speed, and Efficiency", customer focus, continuous improvement and teamwork. In 2012/13 alone, SHKP and its subsidiaries have organized around 4,900 training programmes, topping nearly 230,000 training hours.

The SHKP Quality Academy offers training to foster the company's culture of delivering services with a customer focus.