Loving Home Newsletter

Family talk explores how to 'Be a Good Companion to Your Child'

"The emotional distance between people cannot be bridged in a single day, nor can it expand out suddenly. A mutual understanding is the key and every day can be the right time to communicate. Each word throughout communication is also an opportunity for relationship-building." This was quoted by the popular radio host and child-rearing expert Michael Leung, who helped the SHKP Club members understand more about how to be a good companion to child during a talk on a Saturday afternoon.

Closing gaps, developing mutual trust and fostering good communication

Michael Leung emphasised that 'companions' refers to people who work together in the same organisation striving toward the same purpose. If we name this organisation 'family', then its purpose should be 'living happily'. In order to achieve that goal, we must try to close gaps, create mutual trust and foster communication for better cooperation.

Below are Michael Leung's three key concepts about parenting:

1. Closing the gaps with your child:

  • Love what he/she loves

  • Make time to spend together

  • Cherish trust

  • Stay young at heart

  • Work together

2. Creating mutual trust:

  • For your child to trust you, you must trust him/her first

  • Share your feelings more often with your child

  • Make good on promises to your child

  • Respect your child (both in words and attitude)

  • Be patient, don't rush it

  • Let your actions show your trust on your child

3. Dealing with unreasonable requests from your child:

  • Set rules in advance

  • Distinguish between 'needs' and 'wants'

  • Get to the root of problems

  • Be a role model

  • Sometimes you 'can' compromise with your child

  • Learn how to say 'no' and provide an explanation

  • Ensure that both parents are sending the same message

  • Care about your child's emotions

  • Always encourage good behavior

Click here to watch the event clip.

Members actively took part in the interactive activities