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Come join the 'ICC Light and Music Show' Sky Journey

The new ICC Light and Music Show: Sky Journey is now being featured on ICC's facades every evening! It runs each night at 7:45, 8:00 and 9:00 from now to 31 August. This magnificent spectacle lets everyone experience an incredible journey across the sky led by hot air balloons.

A fantastic adventure with the hot air balloons

"Three, Two, One, Go!" The journey starts from the giant Ferris wheel. We then have the hot air balloons flying over forests and leading us to a canyon, where we next meet visitors on cable cars who are thrilled at the astonishing nature they're witnessing. As the hot air balloon glides past villages at the base of some mountains, you can see flocks of animals and birds there foraging freely across grasslands and streams. The entire scene is given a splash of colourful butterflies fluttering around a sea of flowers. Suddenly, a lighthouse turns on its light and guides sailing boats and ships to drift over the boundless sea. We spot sea birds flying happily across the sky while schools of fish and turtles are frolicking in the deep water. As night falls, a pleasant ambience fills the air against a backdrop of shooting stars crossing through the upper atmosphere. Each hot air balloon eventually returns to the Ferris wheel and the amazing journey concludes.

You can download the ICC Light and Music Show mobile app to listen to the synchronized music broadcast as you watch from the shores of Victoria Harbour. The best places for viewing are the P3 and P4 public terraces at the IFC Mall in Central, where you can enjoy the soundtrack at the same time.

Scan the QR code to download the ICC Light and Music Show app to a smartphone.

ICC Light and Music Show