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"The EQ Formula" seminar


Urban people have various stresses in work and living. How can we manage negative emotions and live positively for a harmonious family?

Mr Mak Yun Sau talked about the benefits of detecting mood swings and diplomatic speech in minimizing conflicts for harmonious relationship, plus marital EQ management.

Harmony built on communication

Mr Mak hosted the EQ Formula seminar on family harmony and proper communication. "Say, your child fails at school; you get upset naturally. But try to understand that your child is also feeling so bad. Blaming him will make him feel even worse. Instead, you should say something encouraging and help him become confident," said Mr Mak. He added that it's important to help family members get over unhappy things and encourage them to think positively, otherwise their stress may intensify.

Caring attention

Emotional resilience varies with age. Parents, children, everyone should pay attention to subtle changes in people and avoid taking them for granted, according to Mr Mak. Reading can help learning about family harmony, he added. "Parents should read books on emotional management and try to open up and talk to children."

Think positive for happiness

Mr Mak said that positive thinking is the source of happiness in life: "Do not focus on the mistakes of your children or other people; look at the upside. Do not over-protect children. Sometimes, it's good for them to fail. They will learn more from mistakes." He suggested three ways of happy living - 'to open' means listening to others over their difficulties, 'to love' means caring for people and the world around us and 'to share' means sharing the happiness and sorrow. Mr Mak believes that this leads to a happy life.