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Mak Yun Sau - Positive love for family


Mak Yun Sau has positive life values and is firm believer in social harmony, for which he won a government medal. Positive thinking and a never-give-up attitude help him build a happy family.

Sick mother

Mr Mak's mother used to complain about his wife 'taking away the spoon' all the time when it was simply not true. He didn't recognize the early signs of dementia and became fed up with her complaints. Later he realized the problem and started care for his mother. The family has since become more harmonious. "When we understood mother's needs and learned to communicate with her, tension in the family quickly went away." Mr Mak's choice to deal with his mother's problem positively was one example of effective communications.

Don't bring bad mood home

His job requires Mr Mak to listen to people's problems everyday. He has learned to stay detached and follows the principle of not bringing work home. Work stress caused Mr Mak to have five hepatitis relapses in three years, which made him understand the importance of not bringing work troubles home. "When we feel bad, usually it's about family, school, career or love. We must separate these things and not let one problem entwine with another, or everything gets worse. If I have problems at work, I forget them when I come home. I find happiness and satisfaction with my family as a cure from work stress. This is how a balanced life can be achieved," said Mr Mak.

Breakfast together

Mr Mak works night shifts on the radio so he often misses dinner with his children at home. They share breakfast instead, even if he comes home really late. Family time brings Mr Mak happiness and is relaxing.