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Ko Tin Lung - Loving others offers true happiness


Chinese philosophy encourages people to be considerate - loving others like oneself.

This is effectively Ko's 'others-centredness' life philosophy. The Artistic Director of Chung Ying Theatre Company encouraged people to love others. He talked about his personal experience, saying loving others offers true happiness.

Family - the first school

Ko called for parents to set a good role model, explaining that family is the first school for children. Ko, who was educated overseas, believed that traditional authoritative parenting would not work for modern families. He urged parents to respect children as individuals if they want children to talk sincerely, citing his own parenting examples. "When we eat out, I will listen to my son about his choice. Say, if he wants fast food but you always disagree, your child may feel you're not really listening."

Parents often encounter difficulties in disciplining children. While Ko was against corporal punishment, he suggested an alternative to make children learn from their mistakes. "Have them face the wall for 5 minutes quietly. Children like talking. If you disallow them talking, it's a big punishment."

Story-telling - effective education

Ko said that story telling is the simple yet effective way to educate children about abstract life values. He said: "For example, various Chinese folk stories convey crucial life values in an easy presentation." Story-telling is interactive, which will also enhance bonding between parents and children.

Ko said that discussing current affairs with children is another good education. "When I was watching news about the Sichuan earthquake with my son, we discussed the need of helping others and understanding people's plights. After the discussion, my son decided to donate his pocket money to the survivors. It really takes a lot of time and patience to educate children with proper values."