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'Blissful relationships begin with support' seminar

Spreading positive energy and building a happy family

Family love and support is vital to children's stable development and a happy marriage. The SHKP Club recently staged a Blissful Relationships Begin with Support seminar with two experts. The event concluded on a pleasant note and many members found it useful and interesting.

Support your child

Family educator Yu Kwok-kin was a full-time father and he told parents that children need their support and guidance to be the best that they can be and accomplish their goals. But they should not rely too much on rewards as some children may be less motivated to learn without rewards. And overprotective parents make their children more self-centred, dependent and unable to handle adversity.

Mr Yu suggested a few ways for parents to show their love and support:

Discipline and love
  • Be assertive and calm, not rude.
  • Be your child's role model as actions speak louder than words.
Do not be authoritarians
  • Do not keep on scolding; listen to what your child has to say.
  • Understand the reasons why children make mistakes.
  • Help children see the good side of getting things wrong and encourage them to learn from their mistakes.
Strike a balance and build a blissful marriage

Wong Yuk-shu has over 30 years of experience in family and marriage counselling. He said the key to building a happy family is maintaining a balanced relationship.

Cave time Everyone needs some space of their own, so leave your better half alone.
Be a good listener Be honest with the pressure you are dealing with and also be a good listener for your spouse even on trivial matters. It shows your support.
Take initiative Be a respectful, kind, supportive and affectionate partner who deserve to be treated the same way in a loving family.
Use kind words Use praise and kind words. Be polite to your spouse and remember to say thank you.
Jealousy Do not give all the attention to your child and make your spouse feel left out.