Loving Home

Cherish Your Family Campaign

Cherish Your Family by SHKP Club on the Internet

What does 'love' mean? It seems abstract and difficult to understand. Love is from the heart. If you cherish, you love. The simple word 'cherish' implies appreciation, thanks and forbearance.


Appreciate your loved ones

People who are aware can see devotion from others. The Club opens a Cherish Your Family Facebook page to let users share their tips on promoting family relationships, touching moments and family stories.

The Club's Cherish Your Family Facebook page has attracted many fans, and the Club has gone on line with Loving Moments, Four Words of Cherishing and Guess How Many Loving Knots activities to spread its loving home message. Over 70,000 phrases were sent in for Four Words of Cherishing to share tips on promoting family relationships. You can check out these words of cherishing for loving home ideas and go to the Club's Cherish Your Family Facebook page to see details and highlights of Club activities.

Activities build ties

The Club has also held various Cherish Your Family activities reminding people to cherish their family love. In this summer and after, the Club staged the activities including a Story Behind a Memorable Object Contest, a Loving Home Table Lamp Workshop, Secrets to Lifelong Marriage seminar and Knitting Knots of Love Workshop, etc. Let's inspire each other to learn appreciation, thanks and patience in life.

Number of participants increasing every year

The SHKP Club has been running a Loving home campaign for the last six years, with the number of participants increasing every year. This year was highly encouraging that nearly 200,000 people visited a recent Lamp of Stories exhibition as part of the campaign. The Club also put members' knots of love on display in the Loving Knots Gallery in Mikiki to promote family love.