Loving Home

Result of Loving Moments Competition

The SHKP Club's Cherish Your Family Facebook page has attracted many loving home fans. The online Loving Moments competition entries including written and photos about love of grandparents and grandchildren, siblings, parents and children.

About 2,000 selected entries were uploaded and received over 13,000 votes and more than 1,200 comments. People share their special moments with their families and friends on Facebook.

Most "Likes"
Written category ming molly (entry #T0020)
Title: To mum with love
Votes received: 3,348
Most "Likes"
Photo / video category Kwan Siu (entry #P0049)
Title: Celebrating many birthdays with dad
Votes received: 3,966
Vote for your favourite Loving Moments entry and 100 winners of great reasons to like Loving Moments entries

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The Most Enthusiastic School

Yan Chai Hospital Wong Wha San Secondary School