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SHKP Club Hong Kong Family Survey

The SHKP Club conducted a Hong Kong Family Survey to investigate what people think are the best ways to communicate and get along with family members. It involved interviews with more than 1,000 Hong Kong residents aged 15 or above, selected by random sampling in the territory’s 18 districts. The results are an overview of how husbands, wives, parents and children can effectively foster communication between family members. Results are listed below for reference:

I. Conditions for a blissful family life

II. Likes and dislikes of wives/parents

A1) Personal traits that wives/parents like most
A2) Most loving acts for wives/parents
A3) Most loving sayings for wives/parents
A4) Topics wives/parents like discussing most

B1) Personal traits that wives/parents dislike most
B2) Least loving act for wives/parents
B3) Least loving sayings for wives/parents
B4) Topics wives/parents like discussing least

III. Likes and dislikes of husbands/children

C1) Personal traits that husbands/children like most
C2) Most loving acts for husbands/children
C3) Most loving sayings for husbands/children
C4) Topics husbands/children like discussing most

D1) Personal traits that husbands/children dislike most
D2) Least loving acts for husbands/children
D3) Least loving sayings for husbands/children
D4) Topics husbands/children like discussing least