Loving Home Newsletter

SHKP E-malls website helps show affection to your dad

Have you decided how to celebrate Father's Day with your dad? You could join a special SHKP mall programme, buy him his favourite toy or make him a mouth-watering cake to show your love.

SHKP malls promise memorable times with your father

Visitors always take pleasure in SHKP malls' events and entertainment facilities, and the malls should be a good place for you to surprise your dad! The SHKP Club is running the I Love You Daddy contest on the SHKP E-malls website which can be accessed via the Club's Cherish Your Family Facebook page. You are invited to submit descriptions of past or planned Father's Day celebrations and how SHKP malls either did or will help you make them come about. Entries will be judged on how well they address the theme and creativity. Three winners will receive HK$200 in SHKP mall coupons.