Loving Home Newsletter

Corporate Social Responsibility

Reading at home with SHKP Reading Club

To encourage happy reading during the school suspension period and inspire more people to develop a passion for reading, the SHKP Reading Club opens new space on its "Read For More" online reading platform and recruits student contributors from the primary and secondary schools participating in the Read & Share programme. Based on six series of "Click to Read for Dummies" by the SHKP Reading Club, participants can creatively adapt the themes to craft their own works in the form of an article, video clip, or audio clip of book excerpts, and submit to the SHKP Reading Club via email (contact@shkpreadingclub.com). Students whose works are published will receive book coupons that worth HK$200 in total. Submissions to the campaign will be closed on 15 July 2020 and there is no limit to the number of submissions or selections. The primary and secondary schools with the highest participation will be awarded book coupons that worth HK$2,000 in total. Please click here for details.

SHKP Reading Club's Facebook: www.facebook.com/shkpreadingclub

SHKP-Kwoks' Foundation

The SHKP-Kwoks' Foundation supports talented students in their studies and promotes education across the country. To help outstanding underprivileged students complete their studies, the Foundation has set up scholarship programmes at primary schools, secondary schools and universities. It has also organised a series of talent training courses, held overseas exchange programmes to drive intercultural learning, and developed different anti-poverty projects in remote rural areas of the country. The Foundation's work in supporting education and training, poverty alleviation and health care, and social service has yielded positive results. The Foundation recently received "The Partnership of Excellence for 2019" award, which is a recognition given by the Ministry of Education for the Foundation's dedication to education work.

The SHKP Reading Club opens creative space on its "Read For More" online reading platform to encourage students to explore the joy of reading in diverse ways
SHKP-Kwoks' Foundation receives "The Partnership of Excellence for 2019" award from the Ministry of Education