Loving Home Newsletter

Lovey-loving Family comic gallery attracts over 800,000 visits

As the SHKP Club's successful Lovey-loving Family comic gallery and Lovey-loving Family notebook charity sale at SHKP malls have drawn to a close, the Club wants to thank everyone for their tremendous support.

Adorable comic figures popular with visitors

Lovey-loving Family comic galleries dropped in on SHKP's Tai Po Mega Mall, New Town Plaza, V city and East Point City in February and March. Visitors left handprints on the display boards to pledge support for those close to them, making the total number of prints recorded to over 800,000. The Lovey-loving Family stories depicted moments of sincere family love in everyday life. In Club member Mrs Chow's case, she took her two-year old along, and found the two loving home stories Where is happiness and Life is beautiful to be her favourites. She read them out to her daughter and took the opportunity to stress the importance of appreciating and treasuring the happiness at hand and maintaining a positive outlook about tomorrow. Mrs Chow also said she would share the stories with her friends and family. Adorable statues of Lovey-loving Family members were very popular with young visitors, who lined up with their relatives to have photographs taken. 

Charity notebook sale for needy families

Lovey-loving Family notebooks was also on sale for charity during the exhibitions. The notebook features a compilation of the most touching stories, photos, phrases and Hong Kong Family survey findings, spreading the loving home ideal in people’s hearts. The charity sale raised over HK$100,000, all of which will be donated to the Hong Kong Family Welfare Society. Club member Mr Leung bought a notebook at the comic gallery in New Town Plaza. He thought the loving home messages were particularly meaningful and the touching phrases were worth contemplating, so it would make a perfect gift for his wife.

A big thank-you to everyone for generous support of the Club's charity sale and showing the power of the loving home spirit
Lovey-loving Family comic stories catch visitors' attention