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Relaxation Station - Build a loving family: To nurture loving relationships through family activities

Most of the disputes can be resolved quite easily, and jokes help bring about a reconciliation between parties in a row. Studies reveal that a person tormented by strained family relationship may suffer from mood disorder. Good relationships among family members not only help relieve stress, but also prevent us from the woes of mood disorder. All are capable of promoting family health.

Family relationships can be fostered through communication. The Chinese are not used to speaking too much and family activities become a vehicle for communication. However, a survey shows that outside mealtimes, Hong Kong people do not spend much time to share feelings or enjoy leisure activities with family members. A study points out that regular family activities, such as having meals together, celebrating a member’s birthday, celebrating festivals, dividing housework and praying before meals or bedtime together, are beneficial to one’s physical and mental health, especially for children. Further, quality time spent together on leisure activities also helps strengthen family bonds and relationships.

If we are accustomed to engaging in family activities, the activities will become regular for quite some time and help bolster family relationships. In planning for a more enjoyable activity, it might be worth keeping the following elements in mind:

  1. Set a common target

  2. Think of some challenges in the activity

  3. Be concentrate

  4. All family members can have different degrees of involvement

  5. Taking part in the activity frequently and make it a habit

Doing exercise, enjoying music, cooking and making travel plans together are some of the best family activities. The aims are to strengthen family bonds, nurture loving relationships and develop a sense of belonging among the members, plus to make the family a safe haven and a place where the value and tradition of a family is upheld. By putting all the hints into practice, a loving family can be developed through various kinds of activities.

Maurice Wan, Experienced Occupational Therapist
(Mental Health Photographic Society)

Suggestions given in this section are for reference only. The reader should seek medical or other professional advice before making any decision on the matter discussed.

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