Loving Home

Lovey-loving Family comic gallery

The SHKP Club's Lovey-loving Family comic series has been well received by members and fans since its launch. Following the success of the series’ Genuine Care episode, the Club has launched the Sweet Heart episode at SHKP malls and on the Cherish Your Family Facebook page, fostering the love for family among a wider public.

Roving exhibition at malls attracts a million visits

The Lovey-loving Family comic gallery earlier at Park Central, apm and wtc more, aimed at promoting sweet family love in the community, showed everyday life of the Lovey-loving Family members in three-dimensional forms. Visitors were invited to press the 'sweet heart button' to show their support for the event. The exhibition attracted a million pledges of Loving Home from the Heart with the SHKP Club, demonstrating the passion that members and Hong Kong citizens have for their families.

Support for loving-home events on Cherish Your Family Facebook page

The Club released Lovey-loving Family sweet heart comic clips through its Cherish Your Family Facebook page, allowing fans to experience the heartwarming moments of the comic figures anytime. They can share the touching scenes and inspiring phrases with friends and family by reposting the pieces, creating wonderful bits of life for others. The Sweet Heart collection has ten comic clips and has attracted over 40,000 'Likes'. If you feel the warmth in these comics or agree with related phrases, please 'Like' the pieces to show your support for Loving Home from the Heart. Let’s take the loving home messages below and spread it online:


  1. Protect: Protect you for life is my bliss. I will ensure the safety and happiness of family members!

  2. Accompany: Let’s walk together and pave the way for a fruitful life.

  3. Promise: Here, we shall make the promise of a lifetime. I pledge my love and care to my family, forever.

  4. Cheer: My family cheers for me and gives me strength to walk on, making each day rewarding.

  5. Considerate: Your thoughtfulness and consideration warm the heart of your loved ones.

  6. Hug: Let's hug tightly and bring sweetness to our home.

  7. Lend me your shoulder: I never feel tired when I’m on your shoulder.

  8. Listen: I'll listen to your heart, understand your feelings and nourish your soul.

  9. Hand in hand: I feel secure when I hold your hands.

  10. Care: Your care and tenderness are the best remedies for strain.