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'Mutual Understandings between a couple' seminar

Mutual understanding is a key to harmonious marriage. The Club recently staged 'Mutual Understandings between a couple' seminar on 23 May with Lecturer and counsellor Dr Raymond Au Cheung-kong talking about family relationship and communications.

The seminars attracted nearly 300 members and guests who were keen to learn more. Lecturer and counsellor Dr Raymond Au Cheung-kong told the Mutual Understanding Between a Couple seminar that instead of criticizing or saying abusive words in an argument a couple should try to remain positive. He advised couples to rely on appreciation, affirmation and affection to build harmony.

Dr Au offers nine solutions
  • Embrace marriage. Reassess the boundary with and develop emotional independence from original families.
  • Strike a balance between intimacy and personal independence.
  • Get ready for the challenge of raising children yet find time for intimacy.
  • Face unavoidable crisis and other adversities together.
  • Provide refuge for spouse to express difference, rage and conflict.
  • Build a healthy sexual life and stay away from temptation in the office. Do not regard sex only as a reproductive duty.
  • Be humorous and find time to meet friends together and do things of common interest.
  • Make yourself an available emotional reliance for spouse and be comforting and encouraging.
  • Let romance flourish and accept the real changes that come with time