Loving Home

Live Life with Smile Seminar

Smile can make family harmony. Clinical Psychologist Dr. Richard Lau Kai-cheung and children's play expert Kathy Wong hosted the seminar on April 17 talking about the psychological and playing implication of smiling. Attendants learnt how smiling can contribute to a positive mind and thus happy family.

The nine ways of being happy

Although we all know that smiling benefits our mood, the hectic life means we often forget about it. According to Dr Lau, a number of factors deprived us of happiness including negative thinking. He suggested a series of solutions to stay happy as follows:

  1. Don't get hurt by what people say
  2. Do what you like to do
  3. Be busy but happy
  4. Spend more time with family and friends
  5. Look on the bright side of life
  6. Gratitude helps balance our emotions
  7. Enhance self assertion
  8. Be kind
  9. Take part in different activities and enjoy life
Playing makes you smile

Ms Wong believes that playing is a channel to foster children's happy character and thereby a happy family. If parents play with children seriously, the children can feel they are in it. By playing with children, parents show that they care for and love the children and hence build the foundation of a harmonious parent-child relationship. Parents can devise interesting games to play with children at anytime like going to tea, queuing and even bathing, to fill their lives with fun and laughter. Ms Wong demonstrated a few games to show members how wastes can be recycled for games.

The seminar had very high turnout. Members generally found the seminar helpful. The SHKP Club will continue to organize different family-related activities and talks to promote family harmony and loving home ideal.