Loving Home

Result of the "Loving Home with Endless Joy" Competition

SHKP Club is pleased to announce the winners of "Loving Home with Endless Joy" Competition. Awardees will be contacted by end of October for the prize collection arrangement.

Overwhelming support has been received for the competition. Participants use various ways to present their tips for bringing joy to families. Genres include essays, poems, drawings, photos, videos and handicrafts, which demonstrates great effort and ideas. Please read the winning entries of each category to learn about different heartwarming stories and techniques for fostering ongoing family happiness and a more blissful Loving Home life.


Member Category

Champion 吳慧芬 家的傳承
First Runner-up 莊英明 家添快樂
Second Runner-up 陳以暢 「家添快樂」- 一顆永不言累的守護初心
Merit Prizes

Open Category - Senior

Champion 鍾世傑 家,多點歡樂
First Runner-up 黃蔚翹  「疫」境家庭樂
Second Runner-up 鄭志偉 愛的IQ
Merit Prizes

Open Category - Intermediate

Champion 魏美怡 家庭快樂之道 
First Runner-up 霍金鳳 稱讚
Second Runner-up 盧欣 奶茶
Merit Prizes

Open Category - Junior

Champion 翁凱濤 爸爸的生日
First Runner-up 關伊晴 家庭聚會的快樂
Second Runner-up 鄭伊淳 愛家常樂
Merit Prizes

Loving Home with Endless Joy School Award

Champion Cheung Sha Wan Catholic Secondary School
First Runner-up Toi Shan Association Primary School
Second Runner-up Yan Chai Hospital Wong Wha San Secondary School