Loving Home

Result of ‘The Most Treasured Family Heirloom’ Competition

SHKP Club is pleased to announce the winners of 'The Most Treasured Family Heirloom' Competition. Awardees will be contacted by late September for the prize collection arrangement.

Overwhelming support has been received for the competition with over 13,000 entries. Participants use various ways to share the symbolic and sentimental family heirlooms. Genres include essays, poems, drawings, photos, videos and handicrafts, which reflects great effort and ideas.

Please read the winning entries of each category to learn about how winners realise legacy and flourish family love over generations via the most treasured family heirlooms.


Member Category

Champion NG WAI NGA 家傳瑰寶—藍毛衣背心
First Runner-up WAI KWAI YI 我的家傳瑰寶
Second Runner-up CHONG YING MING 生活點滴,愛的回憶
Merit Prizes

Open Category - Senior

Champion POON YUK CHI 烹飪、愛家
First Runner-up LEE ON TUNG ANTHONY 曾祖父的訓示
Second Runner-up LI FENG LING 惜飲惜食之乾淨的飯碗

Merit Prizes

Open Category - Intermediate

Champion LI MAN KUEN 家傳瑰寶 ─ 飲茶的傳統
First Runner-up DEVIN HUANG  家傳瑰寶 ─  家訓
Second Runner-up LAM WAI YAN 家傳瑰寶 ─ 牌匾
Merit Prizes

Open Category - Junior

Champion CHENG YEE CHING 磨刀石
First Runner-up CHEUNG SAI HANG 四君子指甲鉗
Second Runner-up FUNG WING 家傳瑰寶 ─ 堅毅

Merit Prizes

The Legacy of Loving Home School Award

Champion Toi Shan Association Primary School
First Runner-up Cotton Spinners Association Secondary School
Second Runner-up Cheung Sha Wan Catholic Secondary School