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Lovey-loving Family Health comic gallery

The Lovey-loving Family Health comic gallery visited SHKP’s apm, wtc more, Tsuen Wan Plaza and V city in February and March with Lovey-loving Family members illustrating ten tips from experts on diet, exercise and mental health. It was viewed over a million times before the tour came to a successful close.

Ten Ways to be Healthy at SHKP Club Cherish Your Family facebook page

Ten Ways to be Healthy and the Lovey-loving family comic are on the Club's Cherish Your Family facebook page so members can read and share the ideas anytime to live healthy with their loved ones!

Warm water and nutritious breakfast Drink a cup of warm water when you wake up, followed by a nutritious breakfast.
Eat slow until 70% full Chew food thoroughly, swallow slowly and eat until just 70% full.
Slow, deep breaths 1. Abdomen rises when inhaling.
2. Abdomen falls when exhaling.
3. Focus on slow breathing.
4. Stay calm for 15 minutes and relax your mind.
Daily aerobics 30 minutes of medium-intensity exercise (eg brisk walking or cycling) improves health.
Regular routine Have a regular routine and sleep seven or eight hours every night.
Enjoy sun Try to spend time outdoors each day and get sun, which helps produce vitamin D and reset the internal clock.
Cultivate hobbies and confidence Cultivate multiple interests, develop your potential and build confidence.
Be grateful each day Think of pleasant people or events of the day before bedtime.
Speak positively Give regular praise and encouragement to yourself and others.
20 minutes of family chat Talk to your family for at least 20 minutes every day to show you care and share happiness.